Now that we’re starting to experience spring weather, it’s a good time to make sure your plumbing is ready for the middle of the year. Don’t worry: this isn’t as big a job as winter prep, when you’re working hard to make sure none of the pipes freeze. These spring steps are basic maintenance checks and jobs that you can either do yourself or with the assistance of a Burlington, VT plumber. We’re always available to assist you if you should discover anything wrong with your plumbing that needs repair or replacement work right away.
Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Archive for April, 2021
Spring Tips to Get Your Plumbing in Shape
Monday, April 19th, 2021
It’s Time Once Again for Air Conditioning Maintenance
Monday, April 12th, 2021
What’s the best thing you can do for your air conditioning in Essex, VT? Schedule routine maintenance for it from our professionals! And when’s the best time to do it? Spring—right now!
We’re looking forward to the warm weather as much as you are, and we want you to get the most from the coming summer—a summer we all anticipate will be much better than last year’s. Although you can anticipate spending less time in your home than you did last summer, that doesn’t mean you can skip taking care of the AC. This is not the year to skip air conditioning maintenance. It’s as important as ever.