Oh no, did you forget to arrange to have our professionals maintain your AC in spring? No worries, you can still have it done. You may think that it’s too late and maybe feel tempted to wait until next spring, but this can spell trouble for your home cooling system. We encourage you to call us for this important air conditioning service in Essex, VT as soon as possible.
Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Archive for July, 2021
Didn’t Schedule AC Maintenance in Spring? It’s Still Not Too Late!
Monday, July 19th, 2021
What Can Go Wrong When an AC Has a Clogged Filter
Monday, July 5th, 2021
One of the top pieces of advice we have for homeowners when it comes to their air conditioning system is, “Replace the air filter regularly.” We’d wager that if you asked a hundred HVAC technicians for their top piece of AC advice, more than 90 would give the same answer. It’s easy to do, and it prevents so many problems.
During routine maintenance, our technicians will take care of changing the filter. But during the rest of the summer you will have to do the job—usually every 1 to 3 months, depending on the strength of the filter. It isn’t a tough task, and if you have any questions about it, you can always ask our team. If you want to know why this is so important, we’ll list some of the problems that a clogged filter can cause an air conditioner.