Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Reasons You Have Low Water Pressure Around Your House

Monday, October 11th, 2021

faucet-drippingIf you’ve ever tried to take a shower in a house with low water pressure, you’ll know how difficult it is. But this is only one of many annoyances that low water pressure can cause. Trying to get many basic household tasks done, like cooking and cleaning, become much more difficult when the water from the faucets only trickles out. 

The lack of convenience isn’t the only trouble with low water pressure: it often indicates something worse is going on in the household plumbing. When low water pressure strikes your house, you may need to call for a professional plumber in Plattsburgh, NY. Below we’ll look at possible causes of low water pressure to help you know what next steps to take.

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Need a New Sink? Here’s Why You Should Call a Professional Plumber!

Monday, September 27th, 2021

woman-washing-hands-at-sinkYou’re facing a big kitchen plumbing project: you need to get a new sink. Because… 

  • The old sink is cracked or leaking and you think it’s beyond repair.
  • You’re looking for a sink with better features, like dual basins.
  • You want an attractive update to an older kitchen.

Whatever the reason you want a new kitchen sink, you’re feeling a bit stressed about doing the job yourself. Good news! You don’t have to. When it comes to kitchen plumbing in Plattsburgh, NY, you can always hire a professional plumber to handle your kitchen sink installation. In fact, you should

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When Unclogging Isn’t Fixing Your Drain Problems

Monday, May 24th, 2021

leak-in-p-trap-pipeDrain clogs are about as basic a plumbing problem as you can imagine. In some cases, you can clear out a drain yourself with a plunger. In others, you may need our professional drain cleaning services to remove the more obstinate clogs. As long as you remember to call for professionals rather than reach for a store-bought drain cleaner when the plunger doesn’t work, you should be in good shape.

But there are times when you’ll need something more than unclogging for your drains. You may need drain repair in Burlington, VT, and this is a job we’re ready to help you with. Please don’t delay when you suspect you have bigger troubles than a basic clog, since the trouble may soon affect all the drains in your house. 

Below we’ll look at situations where you may need the next step in drain repair.

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Spring Tips to Get Your Plumbing in Shape

Monday, April 19th, 2021

checkmark-greenNow that we’re starting to experience spring weather, it’s a good time to make sure your plumbing is ready for the middle of the year. Don’t worry: this isn’t as big a job as winter prep, when you’re working hard to make sure none of the pipes freeze. These spring steps are basic maintenance checks and jobs that you can either do yourself or with the assistance of a Burlington, VT plumber. We’re always available to assist you if you should discover anything wrong with your plumbing that needs repair or replacement work right away. 

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High Water Pressure? Yes, It’s a Problem

Monday, March 15th, 2021

pipe-about-to-burstA common plumbing problem homes encounter is water pressure that’s too low. It’s hard to take a decent shower or manage to clean and cook when the water is only trickling out of faucets and showerheads. But when the water pressure is too high, that’s also a problem. You may not think of it as one, because you can control the strength of the water coming from fixtures. This increased water pressure, however, is a problem for your plumbing system and can inflict damage on it. 

If your home has high water pressure, meaning the pressure is over 60 pounds per square inch, then we recommend you call a plumber in Burlington, VT to find a way to fix it. In fact, we recommend you call one of our plumbers because we offer the high-quality service and fast response you need.

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The Best Way to Deal With Frozen Pipes

Monday, January 4th, 2021

frozen-pipeThe great winter fear for plumbing: frozen pipes! It’s a trouble most of us have some familiarity with because of our extreme winters. It’s the reason people tell you to always have your central heater set for at least 55°F when you’re away from home. There may be nobody in the house, but your pipes need a bit of warmth or they might freeze solid and create all types of problems.

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That Strange Sound From the Pipes? It’s Called Water Hammer

Monday, November 23rd, 2020


It’s a quiet day in your home, and you’re washing your hands at the kitchen sink. You turn off the tap, and suddenly a loud and surprising bang! sound leaps out from the walls. A sound like a hammer striking against metal. 

What was that?

It’s a plumbing phenomenon called water hammer—for reasons you can probably already figure out. This is a common problem in residential plumbing and one that will often take a Burlington, VT plumber to fix. First, let’s take a look at what water hammer is, why it’s a problem, and why it might occur in your plumbing. Once you have that information, we can tell you how we can help resolve the problem.

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Some Tips to Prepare Your Plumbing for Fall

Monday, September 28th, 2020

The change of seasons is already on us, and if you aren’t already in the middle of making household preparations for the coming winter, you’re planning to get started soon. We’d like to help! We offer service to maintain both your heating and plumbing in Williston, VT. In this post, we’re going to look at what you can do to help prepare your plumbing this fall so it’s ready for the colder months ahead.

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Some Helpful Tips for Handling Emergency Plumbing

Monday, April 27th, 2020

woman-under-sinkThere are times when you have a plumbing problem so urgent that you don’t have a choice except to call an emergency plumber in Plattsburgh, NY. We’re here to be that plumber when you’ve got the trouble. However, we know that right now you’ll feel hesitant about reaching out for services you may not absolutely need right away. When you face an issue with your plumbing, you may find yourself debating whether you should make an emergency call.

We’d like to help by taking a closer look at plumbing emergencies in general, how to deal with them, and when it’s best to call us for vital help.

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How Plumbing Trouble Can Lead to Mold

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

mold-on-wallYou don’t want mold anywhere in your house. Mold looks awful, creates terrible odors, destroys building material like drywall, and can release toxic spores. (Black mold, the most common type of mold due to water damage, is the most dangerous.) Unfortunately, a number of common plumbing issues can lead to mold. The faster you call for plumbers in Burlington, VT to fix a problem, the less likely you’ll have mold as a consequence. And if it’s mold that causes you to notice the problem in the first place, you need plumbers there on the double.

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