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Leaky Faucet? Don’t Wait for Plumbing Repair!

The drip-drip-dripping sound from a leaky faucet can be quite an annoyance. However, many homeowners don’t see this as reason enough to call a plumber. While a leaky faucet is an inconvenience (and it may stain the bottom of the tub or sink), it often does not seem like a severe enough issue for immediate plumbing repair. However, when you keep in mind how much water a leaky faucet can wait over time, it becomes apparent that plumbing repair should be completed sooner rather than later.

If you need plumbing repair of any sort in Stowe, VT, call the experts at Red Rock Mechanical. We can repair your leaky faucet or provide leak detection services if you’re worried about leaks in your water line.

The easiest way to see how a leaky pipe affects you and your community is by looking at the numbers. At a leak rate of one drop per second, your faucet will waste 5 gallons of water a day, which is almost 2,000 gallons over a year’s time. Still think this isn’t a lot? Now consider what would happen if every home in the United States had a leak to this extent. That’s a lot of water! And, as it turns out, according to the U.S. EPA, American households waste almost 1 trillion gallons of water a year in leaks alone.

Your faucet may not be the only part of your home that leaks. You may have a leaky pipe somewhere in your plumbing system contributing to your water waste and high utilities. If you want to lessen your impact and prevent plumbing problems from worsening, you might consider having your plumber perform a full pipe inspection.

Besides, for a skilled plumber, fixing a leaky sink should not take a very long time at all. You may be surprised at how quick and painless the process is, as long as you choose a reputable plumbing company for the job. Red Rock Mechanical is committed to providing quality customer service to our customers, no matter how small of a leak we’re dealing with. Trust in our skilled team of experienced technicians for any plumbing repair you come across in Stowe, VT.

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