Let’s talk about an important part of your sink, one that you probably didn’t even know the name of although you’ve seen it often. It’s the bent section of the drainpipe right below the drain, the one you can see when you open the below-sink cabinets. This pipe with the peculiar curve is known as a p-trap, and today you’re going to learn why it’s there and how it can develop problems.
Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Drain Cleaning’
Your Sink’s P-Trap and When It Can Become a Problem
Monday, June 6th, 2022
When Unclogging Isn’t Fixing Your Drain Problems
Monday, May 24th, 2021
Drain clogs are about as basic a plumbing problem as you can imagine. In some cases, you can clear out a drain yourself with a plunger. In others, you may need our professional drain cleaning services to remove the more obstinate clogs. As long as you remember to call for professionals rather than reach for a store-bought drain cleaner when the plunger doesn’t work, you should be in good shape.
But there are times when you’ll need something more than unclogging for your drains. You may need drain repair in Burlington, VT, and this is a job we’re ready to help you with. Please don’t delay when you suspect you have bigger troubles than a basic clog, since the trouble may soon affect all the drains in your house.
Below we’ll look at situations where you may need the next step in drain repair.
Reasons You Have Too Many Clogged Drain Problems
Monday, October 26th, 2020
When a drain clogs up or becomes so slow it might as well be clogged, it’s an annoyance. Sometimes a plunger can fix it, other times you need to summon one of our plumbers. Although regular drain cleaning and maintenance for your plumbing can reduce the number of clogged drains you face, there’s no way to prevent all of them.
One clogged drain in Burlington, VT is a nuisance. Frequently clogged drains or multiple clogged drains at the same time can indicate a major problem with your plumbing that will require the intervention of a professional plumber. If you are running into clogs as a regular problem, we recommend calling us to have a closer look.
Here are some of the reasons you may have habitual drain clog troubles:
The Top 5 Reasons to Call on Professionals for Drain Cleaning
Monday, June 22nd, 2020
Drain cleaning is a job we recommend homeowners schedule both to clear up clogged drains and as a regular maintenance task once a year. Drain cleaning helps keep one half of your plumbing system—the sewage and drainage side—working at top condition so you won’t have to worry about it. Nobody wants to fret about draining wastewater out of their house!
If you think you have trouble occurring in your home’s drainage system, or you’re long overdue for regular drain cleaning, call our pros to schedule high-quality drain cleaning in Plattsburgh, NY and Burlington, VT. If you’re wondering why you need professionals to do this, below are the five best reasons to hire the experts:
Is a Drain Snake Enough to Handle a Clog?
Monday, March 16th, 2020
If the “drain snake” you’re thinking of when you ask this question is a hand-cranked drain auger purchased from a store, then it might be enough to take care of a clog in a sink or shower drain. It isn’t a total solution, however, and in many cases it provides only a brief fix and will leave you with a clogged up drain only a few weeks later—or less.
When it comes to fighting drain clogs or cleaning out drains, you may need something more powerful. And no, we don’t mean chemical drain cleaners. These are not only temporary solutions at best, they are harmful to drains and can end up compounding problems.
How Plumbing Trouble Can Lead to Mold
Monday, February 3rd, 2020
You don’t want mold anywhere in your house. Mold looks awful, creates terrible odors, destroys building material like drywall, and can release toxic spores. (Black mold, the most common type of mold due to water damage, is the most dangerous.) Unfortunately, a number of common plumbing issues can lead to mold. The faster you call for plumbers in Burlington, VT to fix a problem, the less likely you’ll have mold as a consequence. And if it’s mold that causes you to notice the problem in the first place, you need plumbers there on the double.
6 Simple New Year’s Resolutions for Your Plumbing
Monday, January 6th, 2020
Maybe you aren’t into making New Year’s Resolutions. We understand—sometimes putting up a big plan for the year seems daunting and makes you afraid of failure. But there are smaller resolutions you can make that aren’t so much vows for personal betterment as they are simply planning. For example, planning to have better plumbing in Plattsburgh, NY for 2020. No need for a resolution, you just have to remember some basic steps and a few tasks and you’ll have plumbing with far fewer problems and better future ahead of it.
Let’s go through the six “resolutions” we recommend for your plumbing!
Drain Flies: How to Get Rid of Them and Prevent Them
Monday, May 27th, 2019
You want your home to be an attractive place—for you, your family, and your guests. And there are few things less attractive in an otherwise well-ordered home than to see insects buzzing around a drain.
“Drain flies” are tiny flies only about an eighth of an inch long. They collect and breed down in drains among sewage deposits. They aren’t harmful, but you still don’t want them around. If you don’t do anything about drain flies, they’ll only multiply and make the problem worse.
What to Do With Cooking Grease (Aside From Pour It Down Drains!)
Monday, February 4th, 2019
Cooking grease, as well as fats and oils left over from cooking, should never go down the kitchen drains. Ever, if you can possibly help it! It’s unavoidable for some grease to go down the drains when you’re cleaning up, but if you have grease in a pan or skillet after you’ve finished cooking, don’t tip it over and send it down the kitchen drain.
We know this is tempting because it’s easy. And when you look at the grease in the pan, it seems harmless. It’s just a liquid that will wash down the drainpipes like water. But that’s not the case. There are ways to dispose of grease without resorting to the drain.
Why Is There a Sewer Odor in My Home?
Monday, November 26th, 2018
The end of the year is when you’ll probably entertain more houseguests than any other time. You want the inside of your home to be a welcoming place, clean and tidy. You absolutely don’t want strange, foul odors of sewage wafting through the rooms!
Of course, you don’t want these odors to occur at any time. They likely mean an issue with your plumbing that could point toward more serious concerns in the drainpipes and sewer line. If sewer gas is entering your house, it also poses health hazards. These gases not only smell terrible, they can cause dizziness and respiratory problems and lead to the spread of bacteria.
But what’s causing this in the first place? Below are the common reasons for these terrible plumbing smells. In some cases, you’ll need the help of a plumber in Plattsburgh, NY to solve the problem. Keep our number handy, and we’ll come to your rescue when you need it.