Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Repair’

Why Isn’t My Gas Furnace Turning On?

Monday, November 27th, 2017

natural-gas-furnace-burnersWhen you’re making your winter plans, both in the short-term and the long-term, you probably make most of them around being in locations where you can receive warmth. In your house, that means a natural gas furnace that works whenever you need it to, that will turn on when the thermostat signals your house requires a boost in warmth.

You probably aren’t planning for the furnace to refuse to turn on at all. You can take steps to avoid this during the fall (arranging for professional heating maintenance is one of the best), but there’s nothing that can stop all potential furnace malfunctions. If your furnace isn’t coming on and you aren’t getting any heat, there are a couple of possibilities for why it’s happening. Some you can correct on your own, but others will require you call for heating repair in Plattsburgh, NY from HVAC professionals.

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As Summer Ends, It’s Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, September 18th, 2017

We say goodbye (officially) to summer this week and prepare to greet fall. The change in the weather won’t happen as suddenly as the change in day on the calendar, but fall always means it’s time to prepare your home for cooler temperatures. Winter isn’t that far off … and actual winter weather is probably closer! Step #1 to get ready for the cooler temperatures is to have your home heating system professionally maintained.

To arrange for this year’s heating maintenance in Plattsburgh, NY and the surrounding areas, you only have to contact us and sign up for one of our Comfort Plans. Now is the time to do it: the earlier you have the service taken care of, the easier it is to schedule and the more time you’ll have to attend to any repairs that may be necessary.

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