The cold is the biggest obstacle for comfort during winter—that’s why you have a powerful central heating system in your home. (If you don’t, call us right away and we’ll arrange to have one installed before the winter weather arrives.) But homeowners often ignore, or aren’t aware of, another winter comfort obstacle: dry conditions. Relative humidity during the winter often plunges below 30% because of all the moisture frozen from the air. When the air is this dry, it makes it harder to stay warm, even with a great heating system at work. And this isn’t the only problem dry air can inflict on you and your household during winter.
Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Humidifiers’
Dry Air in a Home Is Trouble in Winter
Monday, November 12th, 2018
Does a Furnace Dry Out the Air in a House?
Monday, October 30th, 2017
This is a question people often ask about furnace performance. During the winter, the moisture level in the air drops as more water vapor becomes pulled out of the air as snow. Dry conditions may be helpful during the summer, when it makes it easier for the human body to cool down in the heat. Bu dry air during the rest of the year presents comfort and health problems. Furnaces are often blamed from causing the air to become even drier. Is there any truth to the idea that a furnace “dries out” a home’s air?
What Is the Ideal Humidity for a Home?
Monday, July 10th, 2017
One of the important services we offer at Red Rock Mechanical is installing humidifiers and dehumidifiers in Plattsburgh, NY and elsewhere in Northwest Vermont and Northeast New York. Finding the right balance of relative humidity helps a home in a number of ways:
- Better comfort in both hot and cold weather
- A reduction in costs to run the HVAC system
- Improved health conditions, especially for allergy and asthma-sufferers
- Fewer troubles with damage to building material
The current technology for whole-house humidifiers and dehumidifiers makes them energy efficient and quiet, and you can control them easily through a humidistat, which can be integrated into a smart thermostat for the house. You won’t have to worry about balancing humidity levels: your home will take care of it for you!