Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plattsburgh’

Old Pipes to New Pipes: Making the Upgrade

Monday, June 10th, 2019

PVC-pipesRemodeling older homes is a major industry today. There are entire magazines and hundreds of websites dedicated to how people can bring a tired, out-of-date house to sparkling modern new life. But this flashy remodeling may not be the remodeling your house needs the most. Behind the walls and under the floorboards are plumbing pipes that might be well past their prime and made from long-outdated metals. Replacing old pipes with new ones can rescue a home from numerous problems, including massive water waste, extensive water damage, and even toxic chemicals getting into drinking water.

(And, like other types of remodeling, extensive repiping will raise the value of a house!)

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Why Is There a Sewer Odor in My Home?

Monday, November 26th, 2018

girl-pinching-noseThe end of the year is when you’ll probably entertain more houseguests than any other time. You want the inside of your home to be a welcoming place, clean and tidy. You absolutely don’t want strange, foul odors of sewage wafting through the rooms!

Of course, you don’t want these odors to occur at any time. They likely mean an issue with your plumbing that could point toward more serious concerns in the drainpipes and sewer line. If sewer gas is entering your house, it also poses health hazards. These gases not only smell terrible, they can cause dizziness and respiratory problems and lead to the spread of bacteria.

But what’s causing this in the first place? Below are the common reasons for these terrible plumbing smells. In some cases, you’ll need the help of a plumber in Plattsburgh, NY to solve the problem. Keep our number handy, and we’ll come to your rescue when you need it.

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Pick a Maintenance Plan—And Enjoy Great Heating This Winter

Monday, October 29th, 2018

mom-and-daughter-in-snowWow, the end of the year is moving up fast! Of course, it seems like it does this every year. If you’ve found the winter has surprised you more than once by striking before you can get your heating system ready, then we recommend you find a heating maintenance plan in Plattsburgh, NY and get on the schedule with professionals.

We Have a Maintenance Plan to Fit You

Taking care of your heating system so you’ll have as worry-free a winter as possible is a big part of our job. We offer two different maintenance plans to provide you with the regular inspections and tune-ups necessary for top heating system performance each year:

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October Is Here: Time to Think If Your Heating System Needs Work

Monday, October 1st, 2018

service-blue-markerThe recent rains should serve as a strong reminder: it’s definitely fall, and we’re on the road to winter. Air conditioners will soon turn off for the rest of the year and furnaces and boilers will fire up (or heat pumps switch over to heating mode).

Now, before that happens, ask yourself if your heating system needs work. Can you trust it to make it through another tough winter season?

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Repairs You Can Do Yourself on Your AC

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

wrenchesWhen an air conditioner loses its cooling power on a hot summer day, or even loses all of its power, it can be a serious emergency. You don’t want to be stuck for long in your home without cooling when the outdoor heat is rising. What can you do?

Trying to fix the AC on your own might be the first idea that pops into your head. And why shouldn’t it? If you want something done right, do it yourself!

Except this isn’t always the case. There are plenty of repair jobs you wouldn’t try on your own unless you were a trained professional, and fixing an air conditioner is one of them. It takes a trained HVAC technician to do them. Only they have the knowledge and tools to accurately diagnose and fix a serious air conditioner malfunction.

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Are Small Leaks an Emergency?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

leak-in-p-trap-pipeWe wish we could just say “There is no such thing as a small leak in plumbing” to answer this question and end it there. Well, end it there along with the recommendation that you call us as soon as possible. Whatever the size of the leak you’ve got in your home’s pipes, if you know you have one you need a Plattsburgh, NY plumber with training and licensed to get out to you, pronto.

And if that recommendation already has you reaching for the phone to call us, then consider the following information bonus details. You’ve already taken the right step. But while you’re waiting for us to arrive, or if you’re reading this post for information or advice about future plumbing issues, we’re going to look a bit closer at the dilemma of the “small” leak.

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Why Does Backflow Happen?

Monday, April 30th, 2018

The backflow preventer is a critical device for most commercial buildings, and is sometimes found I use homes and for larger residential structures. The backflow preventer is designed to protect the municipal water system from backflow, which is when waste water from the sewer system side of the plumbing ends up moving into the potable fresh water side, possibly contaminating the municipal fresh water supply. This isn’t something that’s a problem in most homes—there’s a simple air gap device to prevent backflow in the few places it can happen, such as a dishwasher—but it’s a major danger for commercial plumbing. Commercial plumbing has cross connections where there is the potential for backflow to occur and the fresh water becoming contaminated with bacteria and the microbes contained in waste water.

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Last Minute Furnace Repairs—Don’t Ignore Them

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

hand-holding-wrenchThe weather is still cool-to-cold here, and who knows what sudden shifts may occur through the rest of April and even in to May? You are probably still running your furnace during the evenings and sometimes the days as well. If you think your furnace is showing signs that something is wrong, like a loss of heating power or strange sounds from the cabinets, make sure you call a professional to repair the system right away.

When you read that last sentence, did a pestering voice in your head say, “Why bother? The furnace is about to shut down for the warm season. There’s not much point in hustling to get a minor problem fixed now. Wait it out.”

Please don’t listen to that nagging part of your brain! Ignoring furnace repairs, no matter the time of year, is bad for your comfort, your bills, and even your safety. We’ll explain further.

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Start Considering Furnace Replacement Options

Monday, March 5th, 2018

technician-examines-furnace“Spring hasn’t even arrived yet, and yet I should be thinking about replacing my furnace?”

Yes! Your current furnace is still working away, and will continue to do so until the warmth finally settles in. But the “spring/summer break” for your furnace is an ideal time to make plans to replace it. The point when you need the furnace the least is the time to have it taken out and a new one put in, because…

  • You’ll be far ahead of the next cold weather and won’t have to worry about cramming in an installation in fall.
  • Local HVAC contractors don’t have schedules that are packed during the spring and can find a convenient time to arrange for the work.
  • You’ll have enough time to review your options carefully for a new furnace installation.

Let’s take a deeper look into that last point. Choosing a new furnace is trickier than it may seem, especially if you’ve never had to have one replaced.

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Stuffy Household Air? An Energy Recovery Ventilator Can Help!

Monday, February 19th, 2018

sun-and-snowflake-badgeAre you getting tired of the winter weather, and even looking at the calendar to see how many days until spring puts you in a deep funk? We understand. Cabin fever can be a serious problem during our cold winters.

But there’s no reason your home shouldn’t feel comfortably cozy with its heater running. If you find that your house is stuffy when the heat is on, and you long for some fresh air, what can you do about it? Opening up the windows doesn’t sound like a good solution—it will let ice-cold air gust in. This places extra strain on the heating system trying to fight back. Of course you could turn the heater off … but you don’t want to do that with the house open to the outside.

But we have a way for you to enjoy fresher air in your house without causing chills and running up your heating bill: an energy recovery ventilator.

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