You may not realize it, but your home could be wasting water this very minute. You look around your house and wonder exactly where this could be happening. None of the faucets are dripping, and you don’t see water pooling anywhere. So where is this water waste happening?
Red Rock Mechanical, LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plattsburgh’
The Different Air Filters for Your HVAC System
Monday, June 13th, 2016
If your home’s HVAC system is like most in the region, it consists of an air conditioner and furnace installed within a single cabinet that connects to ductwork and uses the same blower fan. Air enters the cabinet through a return air duct, and between this duct and the cabinet sits a special filter. The filter protects the internal components of the AC, furnace, and blower from dust that can lead to stress on the mechanical parts.
How Do I Know I Need Leak Detection if the Leaks Are Hidden?
Monday, May 30th, 2016
The idea of calling professional plumbers for leak detection in your house sounds like it’s a catch-22. You need plumbers to find leaks you can’t find yourself… but how can you know that you need plumbers to find those leaks if you don’t even know that you have the leaks?
The answer to this dilemma is that although you may not be able to find the leaks on your own, you can still find signs of the leaks. Even small pipe leakage can leave indications that it’s occurring. When you suspect the problem, call on our professional plumbers and we’ll take care of the detection service, as well as the necessary repairs.
Why Is My Air Conditioning System Making So Much Noise?
Monday, May 16th, 2016
As the weather warms up through the spring, and with summer just over the horizon in June, you’ll begin to run your residential air conditioning system more and more often. It’s important to pay attention during this time to any warning signs that the AC isn’t performing as well as it should, or that it may need immediate repairs so that it won’t fail when temperatures rise even higher.
Can I Take Care of Air Conditioning Maintenance on My Own?
Monday, May 2nd, 2016
Have you already arranged for an air conditioning maintenance visit from a professional HVAC technician? If you have, that’s great: you’ll have the best preparation possible for the coming summer, as well as a system that will operate at its peak efficiency level.
Is It Too Late to Bother with Heating Repairs?
Monday, April 18th, 2016
It’s spring, and summer is around the corner… but we’re still experiencing cold days here in Plattsburgh and Northwest Vermont. April is never a sure thing when it comes to weather, and you probably know that if you’ve lived here for a year or more. And that means you may still need your heater for a few more weeks before you shift over to the warmer part of the year.
Is Your Sump Pump Ready for Spring?
Monday, March 28th, 2016
Many homes in Northwest Vermont and Plattsburgh, NY have basements that can suffer from flooding during the spring. Snow melt and rain can add up to large amounts of water getting down into the lower parts of the home, causing damage and leaving behind moisture that can create unpleasant high humidity in the rest of the house. Installing a sump pump is the best way to defend your home from flooding, both major and minor.
As Summer Approaches, It May Be Time to Replace Your AC
Monday, March 14th, 2016
It may be hard to imagine with the chilly, rainy weather we’ve had in recent weeks, but spring is well on its way to Plattsburgh, NY. Before we know it, warm weather will be here. When that time comes, you’ll definitely want to make sure you have a properly functioning air conditioner. This is especially true if your system is 10-15 years old. However there are some additional signs you should watch out for, which we’ve highlighted below.
Is It Too Early for Air Conditioning Maintenance?
Monday, March 7th, 2016
Spring is almost here, and we probably have a month or two of unpredictable weather to look forward to. Your heating system probably won’t be heading off into its summer hibernation for a stretch, and the air conditioner will start to turn on during short stretches during April. Although you still won’t need to steadily run the AC until the real summer heat starts, right now is definitely a good time to think about arranging for its annual maintenance service. March is not too early to have this job done. In fact, it’s ideal in many ways, and here’s why:
How Often Should You Change Your HVAC System’s Air Filter?
Monday, February 29th, 2016
We’re not out winter yet, although spring is starting to peek up over the edge of the calendar. Soon it’ll be time to schedule your routine air conditioning maintenance to prepare the system for the higher temperatures of the summer.